In Person Psychic Medium Reading 30 mins
Psychic reading in my house based in Kentisbury, Devon
Service Description
Mediumship A medium is someone who communicates with the spirit world. What I call direct communication. There are a number of ways that this is achieved. Usually by seeing, hearing, or sensing (sensing can be by emotions, psychical, or smell). Clairvoyance means ‘clear seeing’ it is described as the ability to see spirit. This may appear as either material or in the mind’s eye (Chakra brow). This is the power to see an image either past, present or future. This is not with your physical eyes, but your eyes inside; these can be images or symbols (I often describe it like watching the television). The images maybe in colour, black and white, still or moving; others may see in symbols which in time you will learn to interpret. If you are closed off or have a ‘prove-it-to-me’ attitude it may take longer and may also be harder. Remember, there is no time in the spirit world, they don’t wear watches, or have months or years. They are not a physical entity but reside as energy in the ether all around us. Instead, they use thought forms to communicate. Clairaudience means clear hearing, hearing spirit voices either inside your head or as external sources. For me, I always describe this like being on a mobile phone; if the signal is good, there’s no problems, but if it’s not so good, sometimes it can be broken up. Have you ever heard a bell ring or a door knock and when you get there, there’s no one there? Do you ever find certain sounds unbearable? Sounds also give you feelings like when you hear a particular song, or in nature, notice how it makes you feel. You may also find when working with spirit that you may find you have a particular psychic ear (mine is my right ear). It is, however, not always as clear or as simple as it sounds. Remember we work at different vibrations to the spirit world; their energies are much higher than ours; it is like an old radio station... we work at different frequencies. As earthly people, we must raise our vibrations and become more in tune, more sensitive and the spirit world have to lower theirs to meet us. A question I often get asked is, ‘how do we understand spirit if they are foreign or an animal and do not talk in English?’ They will talk in their own forms; however, guides will help to translate this into something that can be understood. Clairsentient meaning ‘clear feeling’. It may be that you have experienced an atmosphere in a room, or you feel deeply someone’s emotional or
Contact Details
Little Barnstone Farm, Barnstone Farm, Barnstaple, UK