Sound Bath with Optional Cacao
Tue, 02 Jul
A meditative experience where a group of people lie down and listen to resonate sounds, using gongs, singing bowls and other percussion.

Time & Location
02 Jul 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
Barnstaple, 25 Castle St, Barnstaple EX31 1DR, UK
About the event
What is a Sound Bath?
A Sound Bath is a meditative experience where a group of people lie down and listen to resonate sounds, using gongs, singing bowls and other percussion. Sounds have been used as a form of healing dating back to ancient cultures. Records of using gongs are know from as early as ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman times. It’s a way of releasing anxiety, soothes the nervous system, and blocks the ideas and thoughts from your conscious as you connect to your body. It shuts off your body’s fight or flight reflex. It allows the brain to relax into alpha -dominant or theta-dominant brainwave states.
The Benefits
· Reduces anxiety
· Soothes the nervous system
· Has a positive effect on your mental health
· Has a positive effect on physical pain
· Helps with depression
· Helps fatigue
· Reduces blood pressure
· Reduces respiratory rate
· Reduces heart rate
Note : It is NOT recommended for those who are or have
· Pregnant
· Epilepsy
· Seizures
· SOME mental health conditions
· It may cause discomfort for those with hearing aids or hearing impairment.
· IF you have deep grief or trauma this healing can be a trigger and a private 1 :1 session maybe more beneficial.
What is Cacao?
Cacao beans or seeds come from the fruit of the Cacao tree. They are full of nutrients. Cacao is stimulating like coffee but with no caffeine. Is is also NOT a psychedelic and does NOT give you the jitters. Its chocolate in its purest form. A cacao ceremony is where cacao is drank to elevate the spiritual ritual being practised. Its about opening the heart and dropping into that space with an open mind.
The Benefits
· Boosts your mood
· Opens the heart
· Helps to focus
· Stimulating
· Good for your health
· It’s a powerful superfood full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants flavonoids
· Makes you feel happy
· Helps blood to flow
· Makes you feel loving
What do I need to bring?
· A yoga mat or something to lie on
· A blanket to keep warm or sleeping bag
· Cushion
· Eye mask (optional)
· Water
What is the cost?
The cost is £15 per person or £18 with cacao.
Booking is essential and payment on booking.
No refunds or transfers can be given if you cant make it, however you can pass your place to someone else just let me know if you are unable to attend. If I have to cancel full refund will be given
Please arrive 10mins before if possible to get yourself settled.
Once we start we shall lock the doors. We cannot admit late comers as it will disturb the experience.
How long will it last?
It’s a 90 minute session.
What will actually happen?
· We will begin by opening the space
· Drink our Cacao in a silent mindful way
· Breath work
· Lay on our mats and listen to the sound of the drum before the sound bath begins
· The sound bath will begin
· Relaxation time
· Close our space
I always recommend to write in a journal your experience as each time can be very different to the next.
I look forward to you joining me on this special journey.